Last Spring Jeff and I spent several hours weeding our back yard because the weeds had gotten so out of control! We said that we were going to stay on top of spraying the weeds so we would never have to do that again. Did we spray all winter...NO. So here we are again...weeding the back yard YET again! I started over track-out. I unfortunately didn't take any true before pictures...but you can use your imagination! The first two pictures are what I got accomplished before using all 10 bags that we had.
So I went to Home Depot and picked up another 30 bags....just to be safe. This is what Jeff and I accomplished another day.
Now, I know what you're saying to yourself...."Why is it taking SO long?" Let me answer that for you. In the fall we plan on seeding back there to extend the actual lawn area. So while we are weeding we are also picking up YEARS of pine straw, branches, dirt, etc. This is also why it is taking a TON of bags to get this task completed.
After 4 days of weeding this is how much we got done. Now...there are still this many weeds in our back yard because to be honest, we are sick of weeding. Hopefully we'll get back out there soon to finish.
We have fully learned our lesson...spray, spray, spray. We will keep up with it this year!!
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