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Katie's a Fighter

A couple of weeks ago it was Katie's birthday so the family went to celebrate with her! We started off the festivities with a home cooked dinner, thanks to Chef daddy!

Wil got Katie this adorably cute penguin cake! 

We also had some play time:

We ended the weekend with a hair dying party. My sister's cancer came back and thankfully the doctors found it early this time. Please check out her own blog here to read her inspiring story. She is quit the fighter!

Because Katie is awesomely fun she decided that she wanted her hair teal, pink, and purple for her first round of chemo. She did something similar to this last time. You can read about that here


First step was bleach:

Katie really didn't like this part!

Katie as a you know why non of us got your coloring mom... :)

Wil with his 'blonde' wife

Next came the color. I think she looks quite amazing!

Go kick cancer's butt Katie! Make sure to follow her blog to see how she's doing on this journey!


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