It's birthday time again for me! I was spoiled enough to have 2 weekends full of birthday fun. Two weekends ago my grandparents were in town, so we got to celebrate together. My mom made a delicious tomato bisque which I have been craving for some time! She used to make it all the time when we were little, and I haven't had it in a LONG time! It turned out to be SO delicious.
On my actual birthday my class brought me in birthday cards that they made-they were so adorably cute! Then Anna's (a teaching friend of mine) class came to give me birthday letters. She is a kindergarten teacher and those were SO cute as well! Jeff surprised me at work on the 4th with adorable cake pops that looked like apples:
Then we went to PF Changs for dinner. YUM!
This past weekend was the big family bash. First we went out to lunch at Red Robin where Lauren taught me how to use Instagram.
Then we went to my parents so my dad could cook the family dinner. You can see the perogies in the making below:
Pumpkin gnocchi:
Twice Baked Potatoes
Cooked gnocchi:
Finished perogies:
My birthday plate filled with amazingly good food.
Now you may be thinking to yourself: wow...that's a lot of carbs. Yes, you are quite right. Perogies, twice baked potatoes, and gnocchi are all potato based food. Our family tradition is that the birthday girl gets to pick whatever food they want for their birthday. Hence the ridiculous menu for the night. I think we all left about 10 pounds heavier!
We ended the night with a fruit torte that my dad slaved over (just kidding...that's what he tried to convince me).
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! It was a great one!
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