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Showing posts from July, 2012

Panama City!!!

I've been on what seems like to Jeff a constant vacation since I've tracked out of school. It's been great! This past week my mom, Lauren, Anna, and I went to Panama Beach, Florida. My Great Aunt Bobbi has a beach house there and she was kind enough to have us down for a WHOLE WEEK! After spending 12+hours in a car traveling there we definitely had to go in the water. It was crystal clear water! Absolutely beautiful! Here are some 'Thank goodness we're out of that car' pictures: That night my Aunt Bobbi taught us a good cooking trick. My mom was making her famous lemon chicken, but she couldn't find anything to flatten the chicken. So-cheap trick-use a water bottle that is full. It actually worked quite well! The rest of the week we played in the water EVERY day! This was a common sight though: Anna very frequently got creeped out by the critters that were in the water. We went snorkeling to find some very perfectly whole sea s...