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Valentine's Day Will Make Me Gain 100 Pounds!

February brings many treats my way because of this holiday known as Valentine’s Day! Now, to normal people that don't work in schools...I think your experience with this holiday may be different. It's a day of love. A day to tell people in your life that you love them. A day to give special gifts to friends and family to show them how much they're loved.
 If you work in a school, you know my dilemma. Valentine's to Elementary aged kids consists of giving Valentines to friends, family, and TEACHERS. I loved seeing how excited my kids got this year while they were handing out their valentines to classmates. It was even cuter seeing their faces when they brought me a special treat. I think the cutest Valentine this year was one little adorable boy in my class brought Maddi (our bunny) in a Valentine's card with a bag of carrots attached to it! My class is so cute! Below is a picture of most of all of the treats I got on Tuesday.

Now can you see my problem? So many delicious treats that were brought in. Lindt truffles, Godiva chocolate bars, cupcakes, chocolates, and so much more. I've been desperately trying to get on a good workout schedule to shed some pounds. I think my workouts for the next couple of days will be just to not gain any weight! It's bad that I have such a sweet tooth, but how can you say no to all of these delicious treats?

Besides the candy portion of Valentine's Day, Jeff cooked us a super delicious meal. We found this cute little spice shop up near the school and found a great tasting spice that would be great on chicken and steak! So Jeff grilled steak for himself, a piece of chicken for me, asparagus, and cooked sweet potatoes. Am I spoiled or what? For dessert I made strawberry shortcake topped with strawberries, chocolate, and whipped cream. Yummy!

This still is not all! During my planning time on Wednesday someone from the office brought me a little box. Inside were SEVERAL chocolate covered apples and strawberries that my Dad had sent to me! He's such a sweet dad!

So...if you ever have a sweet tooth, you are more than welcome to come over to my house! I would be more than happy to share some of my goodies with you! :)


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