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Showing posts from June, 2015

Hallway Decoration

I wanted a place to display some of Noami's artwork since she is now making some! I scoured Pinterest and found a couple ideas, but I thought picture frames would be the best for our little hallway. I took some picture frames and crosses I already had laying around the house and tried to get a good layout and then decided on colors. I like using post-it notes to help with the colors: Then I started hanging the frames on the wall. As you can see, I changed the layout a little bit because I changed my mind while hanging...go figure! For three of the frames I took out the glass piece and laid laminated burlap  against the back part. I then hot glued little clothes pins to hold Naomi's work: All in all I really like how it turned out! I was also finally able to hang some more family pictures on our family tree: It's starting to look more complete! I am so excited that it is summer track-out so I'll have more time for...