I can't believe Naomi is already 3 months old!! Here are some updates: -She's officially wearing 0-3 month sized clothing! No more newborn clothes, which does make me a little sad. The good news is that my sister can use them for her little one that is due to arrive in a couple of weeks. -We went to a fun block party for July 4th and Naomi got to join us. She didn't stay up late enough to watch any fireworks :) -She has been rolling over like crazy! We'll put her in one spot in her crib and we'll find her in a completely new section of the crib. Oh yes- she is now sleeping in her crib in her own room! -She can hold her head up and wants to do so much more! She has tried pulling her legs under her when playing on the ground. I hope she's not an early crawler! On another note, I've been tracked-out! Many of you know this is crafting time for me! Last year I made this wreath: Unfortunately it started to completely fall apart...